Bladder cancer
BLADDR cases on the road to Vienna

Case 2024: Christine (expert opinion by P. Grivas)

Christine, 70 years old, is a huge fan of everything related to royalty. Unsurprisingly, her favourite cultural activity is to visit the Hofburg Palace. It’s her lifelong dream to wear the jewellery that is exhibited there. Recently, her best friend gave her a replica of the imperial crown, which made her feel like a queen!

Christine was recently diagnosed with MIBC (cT3bN0M0) and received 3 cycles of neoadjuvant GC followed by RC + PLND.

Postoperative assessment summary:

  • eGFR: 65 ml/min
  • ECOG PS: 1
  • No autoimmune disease
  • CT imaging: cM0
  • Cardiac ejection fraction: 70%
  • Pathological review RC specimen:
    • ypT3N0 (0/10)
    • R1 (soft tissue positive margin)
    • PD-L1 positive, based on CPS score

Which option would you choose for Christine (not taking into account regulatory approval and local restrictions)?